Unificationists Celebrate True Parents’ Birthday
Happy True Parents’ Birthday! Around the world this week, Unificationists celebrated True Parents’ Birthday in their local communities. Here are some photos and stories of the regional festivities:
Washington, DC
The Washington, D.C. Family Church celebrated True Parent’s Birthday on Wednesday, February 1st (February 2nd in Korea). Brothers and sisters gathered at church at 7:00pm, and after singing Holy Songs, they recited the Family Pledge followed by prayer and sharing of True Parents’ words by the pastor, Dr. Achille Acolatse.
They then connected to the live broadcast of the celebration in Korea, and celebrated together with our True Mother. Brothers and sisters were happy and filled with spirit as they shared dinner together.
Dallas, TX
FFWPU and Korean Evangelical Association (KEA) members joined together for a Holy Day service in Dallas, Texas, where they celebrated both Heavenly Parent’s Day and True Parents’ Birthday.
Rev. Jin Young Lee led pledge and prayer. The Dallas – Fort Worth (DFW) Family Church band led songs with a very high spirit. “There was so much heart in the worship that many were moved to tears,” said DFW Family Church Pastor, Rev. John Jackson. “It was so inspiring to hear about the upcoming events that will be taking place in preparation for the Holy Days in Korea and around the world.”
Pastor Jackson delivered the sermon titled “Saving the Lost”. He shared that True Parents come to save the lost God and humanity. He spoke about three parables of Jesus in the book of Luke: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son, to illustrate that the heart of a parent is so deep, forgiving, and determined.
After the service everyone celebrated True Parents’ Birthday “with the same heart that we celebrate the birth of Jesus,” said Rev. Jackson. He purchased gifts for every family. Everyone also participated in small family activities and shared gifts and baskets with candy. Fellowship came next with a traditional Korean feast and the community’s annual Yut tournament. Eight teams battled for the the prize and cash awards were given to all participants. The winning team won $500 dollars!
“The day was filled with so much fun,” said Rev. Jackson. “Thank you True Parents. We love you. Happy Birthday from Dallas Texas!”
Vancouver, Canada
The FFWPU families and the Universal Peace Federation of Western Canada hosted the 4th annual True Parents’ Birthday Celebration at the Hilton Hotel in beautiful Vancouver, BC. Celebrating on the 28th of January, the Lunar New Year and Heavenly Parents’ Day, added to an already significant gathering. Rev. Katsumi Kambashi together with a very motivated community brought together Ambassadors for Peace, religious leaders, friends and family to come to a deeper understanding of the significance of True Parents.
Canadian National Leader, Dr. Moon Shik Kim, traveled from Toronto to deliver the keynote address in which he shared the mission, the projects, and history of the True Parents. His report was not just informative, but gave a personal insight into True Parents’ nature as well.
Cindy Song, Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) practitioner, offered a congratulatory message. She spoke of her three years of imprisonment in China and how she and Father Moon both understand the evil of Communism and the need to continually work to end abuses of human rights.
Rev. Larry Krishnek, Cheon Il Guk IW for the Western U.S. shared his personal testimony. He showed photos and told stories of some of his personal encounters with True Father and True Mother and spoke of his sudden transition from purposelessness to hope and clarity upon hearing the Divine Principle in 1973.
The final speaker of the evening, Rev. In Chan Park, FFWPU District Pastor from the Northwest US, gave some perspectives on the Marriage Blessing Ceremony.
The musical offerings from opera singer Julie Duerichen stirred their souls, and the performance of Mr. Slava Alexandrov and his Balalaika studio was delightful.
Once again the Western Canada families lifted the understanding of our True Parents to a higher level. The spirit of the evening was delightful and no one was in a hurry to leave. Many who hadn’t met before were engaged in warm conversation as the evening ended. Truly Cheon Il Guk took a step forward in Canada.
Charlotte, NC
The Charlotte Family Church combined their Cheon Il Guk Holy Day celebrations into one, celebrating all on Sunday, January 29 this year, while planning to watch the live broadcasts of True Parents’ Birthday and Foundation Day in the coming weeks.
The local celebration included congregational songs and musical offerings, readings about the significance of the Holy Days, and a commitment to the community’s 2017 goals: “For our families to experience more unconditional love of Heavenly Parents, and True Parents. Secondly, that we will grow our membership. Thirdly, for all Blessed Central Families to finish writing his or her Spiritual Journey by the end of the year.”
Clifton, NJ
The Clifton Family Church community held their 50th Heavenly Parents’ Day Celebration in combination with True Parents’ Birthday on January 28, 2017.
It began with service in the morning where families gathered in the chapel for the Holy Day Service where the offering was beautifully displayed by a volunteer group of Japanese sisters the night before.
Together with the choir, the congregation sang two songs and recited the Family Pledge.
In the afternoon, 150 people gathered in the chapel again to attend the 2nd Annual Musical Concert that the staff of the Clifton Family Church organized. They invited five musically talented performers: Misako Sato and Mitsuru Hunter on violin, Sunghoon Jeung from Bridgeport on guitar, a mini orchestra performed by the young Ang Family, and a drum solo by Omar Paradiddle. The community also invited the new band Apple Heaven USA for the occasion.
The concert ended with everyone’s arm around each other’s shoulder as they sang along to the songs. Pastor Manoj Jacob hopes to host this event annually in order to reach out to the broader Clifton community.
East Garden, NY
The offering table at East Garden was beautiful as always. Everyone gathered for True Parents’ Birthday enjoyed entertainment before the official program. A brother from New Jersey sung an operatic solo. Soon after they watched the live broadcast of the celebration in Korea.
“Seeing True Mother on stage, I felt she deeply appreciated everybody’s sincere presence,” said Fumiko Balcomb. “At East Garden, I felt each brother, sister, and family truly loves True Parents, and how fortunate we are to have the same parent all over the world. I know we should share that with many other people.”