Famicon: Strategizing For Victory
Photo credit FFWPU-USA
More than 200 people gathered at the International Peace Education Center (IPEC) on February 26 for the final sessions of Famicon, which included topics like ‘Strategizing Your Victory’ and ‘Victory for 2020.’
Participants began the day with heartfelt words of scripture and a Godible reading for Hoon Dok Hwe (daily study of scripture). “Godible is the greatest thing since Audible; it is the future,” said Rev. Richard Buessing, president of the Senior Pastors’ Association of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) USA.
FFWPU-USA leaders talked about personal responsibility and goal-setting, using a shared strategizing spreadsheet as a visual reference. The spreadsheet advised leaders to record elements such as established Unificationists in the community, new membership, Godible users, and consistent tithing, to name a few.
Naokimi Ushiroda, assistant pastor of the Clifton Family Church, presented the spreadsheet and had each person set a goal for one category that interested them. Ushiroda expressed that one’s goals “must stimulate the highest level of energy within you: excitement.” He helped several groups set their goals during the session, advising that now is the time to take action. “The point of setting goals is not success or failure, it’s about growing yourself and finding out what it takes for you to achieve a goal,” said Ushiroda.
Groups were divided regionally to discuss their plans for bringing victory within their communities using the goal-setting spreadsheet. They also strategized for the upcoming subregional Famicon conferences in March. Many of the leaders said they will take charge and take responsibility for their regional goals. “Action is what brings the results” said president of FFWPU-USA Rev. Demian Dunkley. “Let’s work with the harmony of our team and get things done!”
Regional Chairman of Family Federation North America Dr. Ki Hoon Kim encouraged everyone to push themselves toward big goals and ideas. “We have the power to do everything from the impossible to the possible,” said Dr. Kim. “Let’s lead with stronger determination than we have these last seven years.”
Throughout the three-day program, Dr. Kim emphasized the importance of supporting FFWPU entities, such as The Washington Times, and urged everyone to take advantage of a special discount, setting a personal goal to get 200 new subscribers by the end of the week.
Famicon concluded with musical entertainment by FFWPU’s National Music Ministry team and an opportunity for more networking and fellowship.
Subregional Famicon conferences will be held from Friday, March 6, to Sunday, March 8, in various locations across the nation. If you have any questions, please contact your Subregional Director.