Comments (3)Commenting Guidelines

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  • Luonne A Rouse


    Where were you, during the ascension of Father Moon? Sitting in a reading room in Huntington, New York, I received message through Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins that Father Moon was in the hospital. As time pasted and our prayers soared throughout the month of August, I gave thanks to God for the life and touch of Father Moon. I was again in our reading room in Huntington, when Dr. Jenkins would say: “Father has gone to the Spirit World.”Might we always remember 03September2012. With great joy I listened to True Mother on the 8th anniversary of the Holy Ascension. She posed the question: “What is the mission of the chosen people? Our mission is to respond to God’s Will by building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.


  • Hermine Okoth


    My dearest True Mother, Mother of Peace of Heaven & Earth. Thank you so much for all your sacrifices for us Humanity, we thank you profoundly for your kind & wonderful message you gave us I pledge I will do my best to continue carry on the will of our HP. & TPS. We really really love you let our HP & TPS continued shielding & guiding you for us .


  • Randy & Kumiko Francis


    Thank you True Mother! Through these loving and powerful words, we can feel your deep Heavenly, Motherly love. We will continue to work and help You and True Father create our Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community in each nation through the grace of your great guidance.


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