Exciting Opportunities at IPEC
A lot is happening at the International Peace and Education Center (IPEC) to close 2017 and to start the new year! Check out the available workshops suited for young adults who are new to the Divine Principle, young adults with a Unificationist upbringing, as well as Japanese-speakers!
CARP: Turning Point
The national and Los Angeles chapters of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) are co-hosting their annual “Turning Point” retreat from December 26 – January 1. This retreat is especially suited to young adults and students who are relatively new to the Principle or who have been actively sharing the Divine Principle on their campuses or in their communities.
YAM: Going Deeper
5th Japanese 7-Day Workshop
The fifth 7-day workshop for Japanese Unificationists will be held from January 19-26, 2018 at IPEC in Las Vegas. The entire program will be offered in Japanese–but we are now introducing English translation, so English-speakers are also welcome to attend!
The purpose of the workshop is to return to the basics of the Divine Principle. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to lectures about the Divine Principle and True Parents’ providential course.
Renowned Japanese lecturers Shoichiro Nakamura and Masayuki Kachi will come from Japan especially to teach at the workshop. Both Rev. Nakamura and Rev. Kachi have taught at educational centers in Japan for over 40 years, and one of them has long researched True Parents’ words as a member of Japan’s history department.