31 Jul2017
Latest Weekly Update from Korea
Every week, iPeace TV features news from Unificationist communities around the world. This weekly update features:
True Parents' Message
True Parents' Madison Square Garden Victory Celebration Breakfast / True Parents' Madison Square Garden Victory Celebration Youth Gathering / True Parents' Madison Square Garden Victory Luncheon / True Parents' Special Dinner with African Religious Leaders / True Parents' Special Gathering with Regional Presidents and Special Emissaries)
Tribal Messiahship
DR Congo: Campaign to restore Christian Congregations and Heavenly Tribal Messiah Blessings / Ghana: Seminar for Leaders of Other Faiths
Peace Projects
Korea: Peace Road 2017, Beginning the Korea Peace Road Tour / Zambia: UPF Peace Cleaning Campaign
Youth Projects
Korea: YSP, “Do Dream” Unification lecturer Workshop / Korea: Forum for Sustainable Cultivation of Future Talent / Philippines: Second Graduation Ceremony for the 120-Day Martial Arts Training and Peace Studies / Hong Kong: 2017 Global Hyo Jeong Rally / Nepal: RYS Five-Day Workshop
Church News
Korea and Costa Rica: Youth Pure Love Movements’ Plan to Cooperate / Japan: Ceremony for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune, Offering Ceremony for Restoration
To sign up for the weekly update video, visit en.ipeacetv.com and look for the “register” tab at the top-right and follow instructions. You can regularly drop by the vimeo account where videos are uploaded on Saturdays (Korea time).