Comments (5)Commenting Guidelines

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  • Joe


    We hope to have a testimony about wittnessing and our experience with True Mother and Foundation Day by tomorrow.
    We will soon have a testimony about the Blessing in Lexington KY soon.
    Joe & Sun Willett


  • Ronald Koonce


    Congratulations and best wishes from Memphis


  • Rev. Norm Presley


    It was a very refreshing event and a testimony to how hard the Willett family has been working in Lexington. We were so happy to reunite with them in such a warming environment.
    Our hope is that this type of event can be repeated all over the world. Thank you to the Willett’s for your hard work.


  • Irmgard Baynes


    congratulations to the couple and the Willett famiy on their outreach success.
    Would love to hear how they go about their outreach… May be I missed their testimony in case it was already posted… If so could you direct me to it.


  • .Lowell Mitchem


    I would sure like to read the testimony of the Willet’s spiritual children. I would also like to hear about the Willet’s basic approach to witnessing such as approach, DP materials, prayer conditions and the like. Congratulations Willet family on achieving your tribal messiah award!


    Lowell Mitchem


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