Latest Weekly Update from Korea
Every week, iPeace TV features news from Unificationist communities around the world. This weekly update features:
CARP’s 50th Anniversary Commemoration Assembly
Educating Future Leaders (Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation Mentoring Group’s Overseas Volunteer Work / Brazil: Developing CAUSA Lecturers, Campus Beautification Project / Uganda: CARP Seminar / Russia: 16-day Divine Principle Workshop / USA: Chicago “Thrive” Workshop)
Peace and Service (International Women’s Day / UPF-Ivory Coast: National Peace Council Launching Ceremony / Benin: WFWP Steps Forward During Election Season)
Tribal Messiahship (Rwanda: Blessing Ceremonies)
News Briefs (Korea: Tongil Group Employees go on 1st Overseas Training / Portugal: 2-day Divine Principle Workshop / Japan: Memorial Service for Victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake / Korea: Incheon Family Church Dedication Ceremony)
To sign up for the weekly update video, visit and look for the “register” tab at the top-right and follow instructions. You can regularly drop by the vimeo account where videos are uploaded on Saturdays (Korea time).
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Je veut participé a votre commémoration. Je suis a ouagadougou au burkina faso.