Your Weekly Update
Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:
Latest News from Korea
A new Heaven G Burger restaurant in Cheong Pyeong is being built in time for Foundation Day when many guests will be in Korea. Hear True Mother’s inspiration behind this project in the weekly update video.
Global Top Gun Workshop
This week, young Unificationist leaders gathered together at the Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center to begin the second Global Top Gun Workshop. Participants come from 25 nations and are all seeking to build the skills necessary to be agents of change back home. Click the link below for the daily highlights of the first week, including photo galleries and Familyfed Radio podcasts.
Heavenly Parents’ Day Special Historic Footage
Watch some historic footage of God’s Day in the weekly update video. For information on the upcoming Holy Days, click on the link below.
ACLC Prayer Breakfast
The American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) holds monthly prayer breakfasts to discuss family values. Each month, a different location hosts this event with special guest speakers.
Cham Bumo Gyeong
The Cham Bumo Gyeong is the third volume of the Holy Scriptures after the Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong and it is now available to order. The Cham Bumo Gyeong contains True Parents’ life course described in their own words, and in the weekly update video above, the team who translated it share insights they gained during the translation project.
Upcoming Divine Principle Workshops
There are many opportunities coming up to get inspired and recharged with the Divine Principle. Register for a Divine Principle workshop this or next month!