In Touch
What does it mean to be “in touch”? We often don’t realize we’ve been “out of touch,” until we finally experience that authentic, alive connection with something. Spring, the time when all of nature comes to life, is a season for us to come alive, too. Do you need to revive your connection with God? With the environment? With nature? Read the following articles, and get inspired to get in touch: to have that much-needed conversation with the Divine, to be conscious of the condition of the natural environment, and to get your hands in the earth and grow new roots of your own.
Are You There God? It’s Me…
Words represent the opportunity to connect, understand, share, heal, comfort, and bind us together. Is it then too much of a reach to think that the words we say with bowed head and clasped hands might reach beyond our own lips and travel to their intended destination?
When was the last time you really made a connection with God? True Father says, “Prayer is your heart’s storehouse. If you do not have time, you should at least pray while doing your work. You should pray even while doing your laundry or walking down the road. You should constantly fill up your storehouse; it should never be empty.” (Cheon Seong Gyeong, 1060)
Is Convenience Killing Us?
With modern living, most of us have been living very “disposably.” According to Duke University’s Center for Sustainability and Commerce, every American produces an average of almost five pounds of waste a day.
True Mother recently said, “The world created by God is characterized by harmony, balance, cooperation and sustainability. The world we live in, however, has been widely abused and mismanaged … Virtually every square inch of the earth is owned by some individual, corporate entity, or government. However, are there ‘True Owners’ who are dedicated to proper care of the natural environment?” (March 1, 2015)
What would it be like if Earth were to end up filled with waste? This article provides eight habits that, if we all adopted, hopefully would mean we won’t have to find out.
Why You Should Grow a Garden this Spring
Are you going to plant a garden this year? Even if you don’t have a yard, you can create a simple garden in your home and enjoy the benefits of your produce, as well as get in touch with God and Creation.
For the next three weeks, DP Life will be hosting a “Spring Challenge” on Facebook and Twitter to help you get ready for the season. This week, take a photo of your garden masterpiece and post it on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #dplifeyourgarden, and some of the top photos will be posted on Facebook!
Here are a few options and ideas to start your own garden—big or small.