Happy Easter!
In the spirit of Easter and the beginning of spring, take a look at some of the other spring holidays celebrated around the world, zone in on the deeper meaning of the resurrection, and participate in an online Easter egg hunt!
Interfaith Exposure: Springtime Holidays Around the World
How much do you know about Holi, Mahavir Jayanti or Lailat al Miraj? It can feel overwhelming to try connecting to holidays with thousand-year-old histories coming from languages and cultures different from our own. True Father taught that interfaith awareness is vital for world peace. Take the time to explore the traditions of others. Here are some of the many holidays observed between March and May.
Awakening the Dead: Demystifying the Resurrection
Whether it be through the fulfillment of scriptural prophecy, the election of a great political leader or the emergence of unprecedented innovation, we have grown accustomed to stepping back and waiting to witness the world change. But what if we are supposed to be change-makers too? What if that resurrection we’ve all been waiting for really is inside us?
Easter Egg Hunt
As children, we participate in dyeing, rolling, or hunting for Easter eggs from a young age and, as we grow, we begin to understand more of the symbolic, historical and spiritual significance. These games are a fun way to involve the entire family in the spirit of the season. You may be long past believing in the Easter bunny, but there’s something nostalgic and wonderful about a good, old-fashioned egg hunt! Try out this egg hunt, and when you enter your guess for how many eggs you see, you will receive an email with the correct answer and a Spring Starter Kit!