In Order To Realize the World of Peace (2003)

February 6, 2003 Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea World Summit Conference Banquet Respected former heads of state, religious, political and academic leaders who have gathered from around the world, diplomatic... Read more

God’s Fatherland and the One World (2002)

Founder’s Remarks Ambassadors for Peace Conference in Kona, Hawaii December 9, 2002 – Kona, Hawaii Respected leaders of religion, politics, and academia from around the world, renowned... Read more

Hoon Dok Hae East Garden (2002)

Hoon Dok Hae East Garden, Irvington, New York April 5, 2002 Translation by Rev. Jeong Phyo Hong; Unofficial Notes by Tyler Hendricks NOTE: This speech contains what I believe to be a brilliant proposal... Read more

God is Our King and True Parent (2001)

Canaan Baptist Church Harlem, NY May 8, 2001 Respected ladies and gentlemen: I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for your participation in this rally despite your busy public and private... Read more