Despite the challenges everyone in the nation is facing right now, the families of the Colorado Family Church have found loving ways to connect and support each other through this difficult... Read more
Forty years ago, Kaye Allen, a young criminal lawyer and Unificationist, joined the national headquarters office of FFWPU-USA in New York City. Now, she is retiring from her longtime position as the FFWPU-USA... Read more
Easter originally began as a Christian tradition to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. However, much of the activities we associate with Easter today are pagan (non-Christain). With Easter evolving... Read more
This week in history, True Father delivers the Proclamation of Liberation and Release, three couples receive the Holy Marriage Blessing, True Father declares the end of the first 21-year course, True Father... Read more
Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this... Read more