Your Weekly Update
Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:
True Parents’ Birthday
Around the world, February 13 was a special day. True Parents’ Birthday was celebrated worldwide with a main celebration in Korea, local celebrations throughout the United States and the world, and even at the Imani Temple, a Christian Church in Maryland.
International Leaders’ Conference
Leaders from around the globe came to the International Leaders’ Conference (ILC) in Korea. Following this there was a Cheon Il Guk Leaders’ Assembly where Unificationist leaders representing six continents gathered at the Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center.
Peace Road 2016 Launch
Global Top Gun participants and international leaders gathered at the demilitarized zone (DMZ) region separating North and South Korea to launch the 2016 Peace Road.