Your Weekly Update
Every Friday the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. This week we cover True Mother’s words at the recent Autumn Great Works Festival in Korea, and the following USA news:
WFWP National Assembly
Over the weekend of October 22-24, 2015 the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) USA held its national assembly titled “Learn to Lead – Women Leading the Way to Sustainable Peace”. More than 200 women, young professionals, mothers, daughters and gentlemen gathered in Washington DC over the course of three days to participate in the 23rd Anniversary National Assembly and also the 20th Anniversary of the Bridge of Peace, the flagship program of WFWP.
777 Couples Anniversary
On Sunday, October 27, couples from the 777-Couple Holy Marriage Blessing gathered at East Garden for a banquet to celebrate their 45th anniversary. Theirs was the first truly international Marriage Blessing, presided over by True Parents on October 21, 1970.
24+ Reconnect Holiday Social
There will be a 24+ Reconnect Holiday Social in Boston from December 4-6, 2015. Single Unificationists are invited to attend.
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations to the 6,500 couples who received the Marriage Blessing from True Parents on Oct. 30, 1988.
What is Tribal Messiahship? Hint: you’re probably already doing it, each and every day! Find out more and share your stories at
Frank Davis
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Really great productions and education. Thank you.