Unificationists and Guests Attend Marriage Enrichment Seminar
On October 15, 2016, the Clifton Family Church of New Jersey held a Marriage Enrichment Seminar with the title: “Skilled Complaining: Making a Request of Your Spouse that He or She Can’t Resist.” Throughout the evening, John Williams, a mental health counselor and Director of the Blessed Family Project, led couples through several humorous exercises designed to improve their communication skills.
To start off the night, attendees were asked to turn to a neighbor and describe three wonderful things about their spouse. Next, Mr. Williams explored various scenarios that couples might face and helped them see new ways to approach old problems. The interactive group shared their connections with each of the scenarios as Mr. Williams discussed possible solutions. At the end of the night, several spouses admitted that they were the ones who needed to change in order to help their families grow stronger.
To conclude the program, Mr. Williams showed a video that explained the Marriage Blessing and gave an introduction to the Unification vision for marriage and family. Of the 11 couples present, three were new to the ideas behind the Marriage Blessing. The guests had been invited after Rany Jacob, Director of the Blessed Family Ministry team in Clifton, suggested that members witness to the community. “I wanted to encourage our [Clifton Family Church] members to invite their friends, co-workers, and neighbors,” said Jacob. “I truly believe that [by promoting the values of the Blessing] we can help our families in our community to find more joy and happiness in their lives.”
The couples present agreed that the night was beneficial and asked that the church sponsor similar events in the future. Jacob plans to hold marriage enrichment programs once a month at the Clifton Church. “I believe that [with these seminars] we can establish God-centered families,” she said.
To stay up-to-date about marriage and family resources and events, visit bfm.familyfed.org.