The Future Is Bright As We Unite!
October 12, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On Friday we celebrated with 308 Cheonbo couples and their families from North America, and on Saturday evening we participated in a wonderful Victory Celebration with True Mother and leaders from around the world, which essentially brings our 40-Days of Hope commemorating the 8th Anniversary of True Father’s Holy Ascension to a victorious close. Congratulations brothers and sisters!!! Thank you so much for your participation, support, prayers and attendance to our beloved True Parents.
Our wonderful Cheonbo couples are currently offering a special 21-day prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Parent and True Parents. We are proud of them and deeply grateful for their loyal dedication.
It is amazing what we have been able to accomplish over the last 7 years in America under Dr. Ki Hoon Kim’s leadership. Even as recently as three or four years ago, we were aware of only three or four families that were active in Tribal Messiahship, and now we have over 300 families inducted into the Cheonbo Won with many more following suit!!! This is truly a miracle.
So what next?
The first step, like Dr. Kim mentioned again on Sunday, is to totally unite with True Mother. Always. Our Heavenly Parent’s plan goes so far beyond our imagination and way beyond our personal sphere of awareness, so thank God that True Mother is guiding us. What we can do is help one another.
Our community, and therefore our influence in America must grow. We must have confidence that we can grow our community and influence. Every family is destined for the Cheonbo Won, so let us support others along their way. Imagine if every Cheonbo family determined to help 12 other families to complete their Cheonbo conditions. Do you think that would make True Parents happy? Yes, we think so.
True Mother is expecting America to lead and influence the world to unite with our True Parents. That is because it is God’s Will. If it is God’s Will, it is purposed, and it is possible. It will always be our blessed central families at the heart of that victory. Please know how precious you are and how much impact Heaven can have through your activities centered on True Mother.
Do you feel urgent? True Mother completely feels the pressure of time, and is absolutely determined to amass a movement of faithful people equal to at least one third of the world population by 2027. Do you think it’s possible? It may not end up looking like what we expect, and is probably not possible according to our ideas, but it is most definitely possible if True Mother has stated it as a goal. No matter what, I can say with 100% confidence that all we have to do is our responsibility, which is what True Mother is guiding us to do. So let us do it with the confidence of a heavenly army. Yeah!
We are truly blessed, more than we realize. So let us share the blessing and education with all of America, starting with those closest to us, and going all the way to the president. No one is out of reach with God’s hand.
God Bless you congratulations on completing the past 40-Days of Hope!
With love,
Demian and Yumiko Dunkley