Latest Weekly Update from Korea
Every week, iPeace TV features news from Unificationist communities around the world. This weekly update features:
True Parents’ Holy Wedding Anniversary Victory Celebration
Feature Video: “The Providential Significance of True Parents’ Holy Wedding” Ryu Kyeung Seuk, President of FFWPU-Korea
Tribal Messiahship (Nepal: The 134th 21-day Divine Principle Seminar / Uganda: Youth Outreach Program )
Peace Movements (Brazil: The 8th Walk for Peace)
News Briefs (Korea: Family Education for International Blessed Families /Australian Cheon Il Guk Owners Assembly 2016 / Albania: Pak No-hi and Moon Lan-young Visits / Ecuador and Kumamoto Earthquake Relief )
To sign up for the weekly update video, visit and look for the “register” tab at the top-right and follow instructions. You can regularly drop by the vimeo account where videos are uploaded on Saturdays (Korea time).