03 Jan2017
Latest Weekly Update from Korea
Every week, iPeace TV features news from Unificationist communities around the world. This weekly update features:
- True Parents’ Christmas Banquet
- True Parents’ Special Gathering for Early Woman Leaders
- Tribal Messiahship (Korea: Kickoff for the Hoondok Family Church Pilot Program / Thailand: Asian Leadership Conference / Cote d’Ivoire: Inter-religious Blessing Ceremony)
- Peace Projects (Cyprus: UPF Middle East Conference on Syria / Dominican Republic: 9th Graduation for the Unification Language Institute / Paraguay: WONGU Peace Cup / Russia: UPF Conference / Kazakhstan: Peace Road Hiking Condition)
- Youth Projects (Korea: Launching of the 38th University Mobile Witnessing Team / Cheon Il Guk Youth Missionary Briefing of the 5th Class and Launch of the 7th Class / Multicultural Youth Exploration for Future Success Camp / Nepal: A Transformative Divine Principle Workshop / Brazil: 5th CARP University End of the Year Assembly)
- Church News (Japan: 11th Chiba Sunhak Choir Winter Concert / Taiwan: 2017 Winter Leaders Workshop)
To sign up for the weekly update video, visit en.ipeacetv.com and look for the “register” tab at the top-right and follow instructions. You can regularly drop by the vimeo account where videos are uploaded on Saturdays (Korea time).