24 Dec2016
Latest Weekly Update from Korea
Every week, iPeace TV features news from Unificationist communities around the world. This weekly update features:
- UPF and the Citizens’ Federation for the Unification of Korea—Resolution Rally for the Fulfillment of Vision 2020
- Special Session of Hoondok Meditation Led by International President Moon Sun-jin
- True Parents’ HJ CheonWon Special Gathering
- Dedication of the Sunhak Korean Language Institute
- Tribal Messiahship (Korea: 2016 Cosmic Marriage Blessing Ceremony Held in True Parents’ Name in Daejon and Busan / Albania: 2nd Family Festival and Cosmic Blessing Ceremony / Paraguay and Costa Rica: Home Group Festival)
- Peace Projects (Korea: Rally to Propose the Establishment of the Hyo Jeong Forum / Indonesia: UPF National Tour / Peru and Italy: UN Day of Human Rights Seminars / Cameroon and Mali: World AIDS Day and Youth Education / Paraguay: UPF End of the Year Celebration with Ambassadors for Peace)
- Youth Projects (Philippines: Tongil Moodo Special Training Course / Benin: Divine Principle Workshop / Uruguay: Youth Fishing Condition)
- Church News (Korea: Korea Religious Council, 4th Religious Charter Seminar and 2016 General Assembly / Korea: 2016 End of the Year Multicultural Festival / Japan: 4th Joint Memorial Service / USA: Las Vegas Family Church Holds First Spanish Service)
To sign up for the weekly update video, visit en.ipeacetv.com and look for the “register” tab at the top-right and follow instructions. You can regularly drop by the vimeo account where videos are uploaded on Saturdays (Korea time).