Hyojeong Culture is Spreading – Last Week Today – July 19
Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:
In Loving Memory of Col. Sang Kil Han
On Thursday, July 11, an American Memorial Service was held for Col. Sang Kil Han at the Belvedere Estates in New York, where his daughter, Jungsook Han, attended along with her husband and daughter.
Hyojeong Builds Youth Leaders
The CARP LA chapter organized an American Hyojeong Trip for CARP USA and YAYAM members from July 6 to 18. A total of 57 participants registered and will travel to Chicago and Washington, D.C. from July 11 to 16, where they will connect with local communities and engage in activities.
Clifton City Hall Raises WFWP Flag
Through the determined efforts of Claire Haider, the WFWP flag was proudly raised outside Clifton City Hall for seven days.
Washington, D.C. Holds Monthly Blessing One Million Couples Banquet
On June 29, the Washington, D.C. Blessed Family Congregation held its eighth Blessing One Million Couples Banquet at the Washington, D.C. Family Church where a total of 24 guests, including eight couples, attended.
Recreating Ourselves through One Heart Camp
From June 23 to July 6, One Heart Camp was hosted at Camp Seely in the San Bernardino Mountains in California. The camp program focused on education based on the Divine Principle’s “Restoration” section, and how participants can apply the Principle in their lives through lectures and bonding activities.
It Works
Many elements go into producing and executing the Peace Starts With Me events. One important element is the collaboration of various Christian churches in the dance performances, which breaks down barriers and builds relationships and demonstrates the Peace Starts With Me movement is effective. Read this testimony from Luke Higuchi and his experience working with Christian communities.
CARP & HARP Utah Host Summer Retreat
On June 15 and 16, the CARP and HARP chapters in Salt Lake City, Utah hosted a two-day retreat focusing on the theme One Family Under God. The retreat included college, high school and middle school-aged participants with the local Utah Family Church at Deer Creek Reservoir.
Register for BCSF!
BCSF is happening August 7-11. Register before July 27 for the early bird special!
Look & Tell: Creation & Love
Get your copy of the new <i>Look & Tell: Creation & Love</i> book to read together with your young children.
National Victory Fund
Learn more about the National Victory Fund.