How To Stay On Top of Your Offering Table Goals
After attending the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) national Famicon conference in Las Vegas in February 2020, Alina Button, a member of the Portland Family Church council, was inspired and excited about the Offering Table. The Offering Table is a system centered around four areas of investment━attendance, Blessing and education, social impact, and leadership development━to track the next seven years of each community’s offerings to FFWPU Co-Founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, affectionately known as True Parents.
Button made a few suggestions for how communities can stay on top of Offering Table goals:
Watch the National Famicon Videos
By watching the national Famicon videos, you can get an idea of what the Offering Table is all about and find a category that calls you to take ownership. By picking a category, you become the point person who will help cultivate and support each goal.
“God calls out to us in ways that resonate with only us as individuals. Let us take this time to really listen to that call and do our best to answer that call with a high spirit,” said Button.
Create a Prayer or Vision Board
A prayer or vision board is a great way to keep up with your goals. A prayer board is a daily, visual reminder to pray for those in need, while a vision board brings things to life and motivates you to accomplish your goals.
Keep a Schedule
It’s important to keep yourself, and each other, accountable for your goals. Create a schedule within your community, or even within your family, to keep up with your Offering Table goals. If it helps, arrange a weekly Zoom call to talk about your goals and to gain support from others.
“I really feel like now is a good opportunity to reflect, pray, and plan for this year,” said Button.
Jim Stinard
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This is a great idea on how we all can organize and better focus around these four areas of investment.
Thanks for this contribution. It’s an idea I will be using.
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Wonderful and encouraging Thanks for everything you do and a special thanks to Alina Button for sharing her inspiration.
Mary Ellen Legay
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I really appreciate this article. I can’t wait to watch the Famicon videos when I have time later today. I am having a hard time with that picture though. Can you explain it? Thank you