Being Our Best Selves
Growth is made up of moments, and working toward being our best selves is more of a lifestyle than a checklist. How can we be our best selves, each and every day? It may be simpler than we imagine. The following articles explore ways to give our 100%, handle crisis and make difficult decisions.
Life at 100%: How to Live Limitless
What does it mean to give it our 100%? Is it the fact that we checked everything off our to-do list? Or is it more—a lifestyle, a frame of mind, who we are? Living at 100% capacity may very well require us to hold on to our center, embrace change and dare to do more, every single day. Try this simple three-step process and see where it takes you.
How to Handle the Quarter-Life Crisis
Do you ever find yourself wondering what you’re doing with your life? What will it take to be successful? How can you create a life in which you can flourish? If you’re in a so-called quarter life crisis right now, how do you get out? In the throes of a quarter-life crisis, a person can stagnate, lost between all the options, but commitment to rebuild one’s life usually turns out really well. In fact, 80% of those that report going through this crisis say that it was a good experience in the end—maybe the quarter-life crisis isn’t such a “crisis” after all! Maybe it’s more of a journey of self-discovery, a chance to ask questions.
Why Conflict is Good for You: A Process of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis
We live in a world abounding with differences in culture, language, philosophy and lifestyle, and for the most part, we celebrate those differences. Other times, they challenge our way of life. What is the purpose of conflict? Could the Creator have designed a world with so much contrast, as a way to help us? Do our inner and outer conflicts serve a purpose toward our happiness?