Community Hosts a Sunday ‘Family Enrichment Day’

Church is where you go to worship God on Sunday, right? But what does it mean to worship God? In order to address the holistic needs of its community, one church in Detroit decided to shake things up during their worship at a recent Sunday Service.
On October 16, members of the Metro Detroit Family Church gathered as usual for songs, announcements, and an offering. This time, though, the sermon wasn’t about prayer or devotions or God’s providence. The “Enrichment Day” was focused exclusively on financial information that would benefit the families of the Detroit community.
The assistant pastor, Reverend Ed Taub, a former financial planner, shared insights he had gained while working for a major insurance company. He explored insurance fully, covering everything from health insurance, to life and long-term care insurance. Revered Taub outlined the objectives and benefits of each so that the Enrichment Day attendees could better understand how to prepare for the future.
Those in attendance appreciated the practical information given during the day. In order to help families continue to grow both spiritually and financially, the Metro Detroit Family Church plans to hold similar financial seminars every month.
Stay tuned for more information about how other communities are shaking things up at Sunday Service and share your own stories at