ACLC National Retreat: Weaving the Racial Fabric of America
Contributed by Tom Cutts; Photos by Yoshimoto Naka
Over the September 16-18, 2016 weekend, 120 American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) ministers joined in the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Washington Monument Rally. As part of the festivities, ACLC held a national retreat that same weekend at the Imani Temple in Suitland, Maryland. The theme of the retreat was “Weaving the Racial Fabric of America”. Pastors came by plane, train, and car to the program. Some came as far away as California, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Texas, Mississippi, and Connecticut. Vans from Michigan, New York and New Jersey also brought retreat participants. It took Rev. A.C. Herring from Mississippi 27 hours to come by train to Union Station.
Friday evening, September 16th, ACLC ministers attended a commemoration banquet at the the Washington Times Arbor Ballroom. Among the participants were Chief Apostle Floyd Nelson, Presiding Bishop of the International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ, and his wife, Dr. Yvonne Nelson. Bishop David Thibodeaux commented that he felt Father Moon’s spirit at the banquet, and felt his urgency to save America.
On Saturday afternoon, September 17th, the ACLC clergy participated in the commemorative rally on the mall in front of the U.S. Capitol. Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, ACLC National Co-Chairman, dramatically read True Father’s speech from forty years ago. Bishop Michael Sykes and Minister Zena Sykes, and Bishop Jesse Edwards and Rev. Dr. Tanya Edwards led a prayer for reconciliation.
A special feature of the retreat was the Saturday morning Pastors’ Forum. Dr. Ki Hoon Kim, ACLC National Co-Chairman, spoke about the significance of True Father’s message 40 years ago, and challenged the pastors to save America for the sake of the world.
Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., and Dr. Michael W. Jenkins, ACLC Chairman Emeritus, led the assembly in an interactive Bible study. The topic was the Principles of Restoration revealed in the families of Adam and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The forum was enjoyed by all, and many felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as deeper understand from the Bible was received.