Comments (8)Commenting Guidelines

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  • Marilyn Eaton


    Seeing your pictures, I am unexpectedly overwhelmed with tears. Thank you, dear brothers and sisters! You are truly Heavenly Parent’s saints!


    • Frank Davis & Mary Ann


      Thank you Marilyn. You are also very special for your beautiful heart.


  • Sera Hirano


    So inspiring!! Thank you to all the Missionaries and thank you so much for honoring them. We truly need to share that deep love horizontally and let it spread far and wide to engulf the whole nation as we prepare for True Mother at MSG…I feel that love has no choice but to eminate from all of us when we truly love each other. Thank you so much for this article.


  • William Connery


    I was the American Missionary to Uganda from 1975 until I was called back to attend UTS in 1978. It was wonderful meeting with many brothers and sisters who served and sacrificed for the Heavenly Providence. Please send me an email if you are interested in reading my Missionary Testimony.


  • Gary Fleischman


    I am truly grateful for this weekend. Visiting East Garden, especially Father’s prayer room, was like stepping into the holy of holies. It helped me to put my missionary experience and my life in general in perspective, to see how much True Parents have been a part of it.


  • Joy Garratt


    Thank you to each of my precious brothers and sisters for the sacrifices and offerings you have made continuously. May you be blessed in every way.




    so much history, sacrifice, and dedication from the first missionaries…. much respect!


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