Comings and Goings: Pastor Dave Hunter
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please join us in bidding farewell to Dave who is stepping down from the role of National Youth Pastor. Dave has worked at FFWPU National Headquarters since 2005, most recently in this position from January 2013 to December 2013.
Dave was born in Virginia to Rick and Betsy Hunter (an 1800 couple) and was raised in Maryland. He received his Bachelors Degree in History and Education and taught American History and Government in the Maryland public school system from 2003 to 2005. In 2007, Dave was Blessed in marriage to Mitsuru Kubo from Seattle.
During his term at National Headquarters, Dave started as staff of the National Education Department in Washington DC, from 2005 to 2008; then moved to California where he worked as National Witnessing Director, a position and mission that was a direct result of the grass roots Witnessing Summits held across the US. This was a critical step for our movement in refocusing on witnessing and outreach to our own younger generation as well as to our friends and neighbors.
Relocating back to New York, Dave “represented” as emcee of Lovin’ Life Ministries from 2009 to 2012, the position where we all got to know him. Who can forget his reminder that “It’s been too long since last Sunday”, or his weekly sign off of “God bless YOU!” which allowed us to leave church with hearts full for a new week? During this same period, Dave served as Youth and Young Adult Pastor in New Jersey and additionally, he established and developed Camp Lovin’ Life and Camp Brave Heart in upstate New York. These camps offered a rich and rewarding experience for young Unificationists who gathered from around the country. Dave taught Divine Principle with the addition of experiential ministry, allowing our younger members to come to a new understanding of Father’s life and course.
Dave is also the co-founder and developer of The “Lasting Imprint” and “REAL Relationships” Seminars, designed to teach Divine Principle to new guests. He co-led the Getting Back on Track ministry alongside Rev. Philip Schanker, Debby Gullery and Maio Baiocco.
We are grateful to Dave for his contributions to God’s Providence and wish him great success in his new pursuits.
Michael Balcomb