Ken Doo
Vice President, USA; West Subregional Director


Ken Doo was born on September 29, 1964 in Jeongeup, Korea. He has been actively engaged in public mission work since he first joined the church through CARP in March 1985.

In 1992, he came to the USA and began work at East Garden.  In 1998, he graduated from the Unification Theological Seminary Masters program and one year later was appointed the first regional director for the Ohio region. In 2001, he worked as an assistant to the North American continental director. During this five year period, he established web communication amongst western members through

After working as an assistant to the world president of FFWPU from 2006 to 2013, Ken was appointed by True Mother to his current position as pastor of the Las Vegas Church. Ken received the Marriage Blessing with Songhee Chi from Seoul, Korea in 1992. They have five children.

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